What is karate?

Karate is a martial art and self-defence system that originated hundreds of years ago in Okinawa but has been dramatically influenced by the old martial traditions of China. Literally, "karate-do" means "the path of an empty hand" because karate practitioners do not use weapons for attack and defence, only hands, feet and body. However, karate is more than just physical culture and self-defence. It is based on significant philosophical traditions stemming from the principles of Bushido (the Military Way). Through rigorous training, karate develops the body, mind, and character.

What kind of karate will I study at school?

Our club develops the karate Shotokan of the Japanese Karate Association. JKA is the keeper of the karate tradition and preserves the soul and spirit of the martial art of karate-do. It is the largest karate-style organization in more than 100 countries. Dmitry Osika represents Belarus in JKA.

Can everyone practice karate?

Yes! The only fundamental requirement is a disciplined commitment to hard work and patient training. If it is, then karate is equally accessible to everyone, regardless of age and gender.

Do I need to be in excellent physical shape to learn karate?

Not really, because karate will gradually improve your fitness as you progress. If you are less physically developed, your progress at the beginning will be more moderate; as your physical fitness improves, speed and technique will increase.

What is expected of me while training?

Four things. You will be devoted to your hobby and attend classes regularly. You must give your maximum karate effort and work hard during training. You must demonstrate the respect, humility and courtesy on which karate bases its long-standing traditions. And, of course, you are expected to contribute as much as possible to the costs of organizing classes. Admission to training sessions without payment of a fee is not excluded.

Is it necessary to purchase special clothes?

We will be sympathetic if you cannot purchase special clothes for karate classes (karate-gi, or "kimono") due to your particular financial situation. However, we would still like each student to have the appropriate inner mood and a proper appearance.

How much time does it take to study karate?

In Shotokan karate, there is a system of belts and qualifications. Qualifications include ten apprenticeship degrees (kyu) and ten master's degrees (dan). The exam for 10-9 kyu is usually given 3-4 months after the start of training. Each subsequent exam takes place approximately once every six months. Thus, you can pass for the first dan (black belt) after about five years of regular training. And only then will you start learning karate. And it will take years, and the path itself has no end. By the way, the second dan exam is possible two years after the first dan exam. On the third dan — three years after the previous certification — and so on.